
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board

Our Benefit’s Committee now handles all of our W.S.I.B Issues:

Benefits Committee Chair: Michael Maniezzo – Station 204 “D” Shift

Benefit Committee Member: Andrew Gould – Station 206 “D” Shift

Benefit Committee Member: Matthew Peters- Station 201 “D” Shift

A Friendly Reminder from your Benefit’s Committee

We as your representatives encourage you to keep sending your exposure reports my way with as much detail pertaining to the incident as possible. The reports are put into your personnel file at the Association office. I want to stress that these files are strictly confidential and only the W.S.I.B representative, as well as the individual member, has access to their files.

If you become stricken with a Communicable Disease or Occupational Illness at a later date these reports become very important in proving your entitlement to WSIB to obtain benefits.

Another issue I would like to bring to your attention is that it is important that a Base Line Blood Test be completed and results are kept by your physician with a copy to be kept by yourself and one sent to your WSIB representative. Base Line testing becomes very important when determining that your disease or illness is job-related. The Corporation will only cover the cost for your initial Base Line Test. This initial test must only be obtained through MDS Laboratory Services unless otherwise advised. Hep A and Hep B vaccinations will be done by We Care Health Services. Information on MDS Labs and We Care Health Services is available on the Fire Gen Drive.

Initial Base Line Testing covered by the Corporation includes:

Bili, AST, ALT, Bili (Liver Function) Blood or Urine lead

Urea Blood or Urine mercury

Creatinine Blood arsenic

Calcium Blood zinc

Na, K, C1, CO2 (Electrolytes) Anti HCV (Hep C)

CBC Hep B (Anti HBS)

Lipid (Chol, Trig, HDL, LDL) Anti HAV IgG (Hep A)

T Protein/Albumin HIV

RBC porphyrins

* Brampton Cardio Pulmonary Services is providing Brampton Fire free E.C.G. testing. This is another type of base line we can keep in your file for future reference. Location is 31 Centre St. Unit 7. Dr. Lori Hill. (905) 455-3010. The report is confidential and is sent to your own Doctor. You are advised to get a copy made and send it to me for your file. It will take about 2 hours; bring your gym cloths and shoes.

If you are hurt on or off the job, here are the forms you will need to return to work;

Medical assessment Form

-If you are coming back to full duties and hurt off the job

-if you are coming back to full duties and hurt at work

-if you are hurt off the job and going to modified duties

-if you are on modified and going to full duties

W.S.I.B. Functional Abilities Form

-coming to modified duties from an occupational injury

* FYI You do not need to fill out an injury report from an exposure unless you see a DR.

If anyone has any questions please contact.

Michael Maniezzo: [email protected]

Andrew Gould: [email protected]

Matthew Peters: [email protected]

Email the Benefit’s Committee [email protected]